See the dates below. All PA members are encouraged to join. You must know your account information (if you dont, CLICK HERE). The monthly I&D meetings take place on Tuesdays 7PM.

Then explore your children’s personalized school options and get guidance on the admissions process from start to finish. Please reach out to to learn more or join the committee. Welcome NYC families can use MySchools to apply to public schools from 3-K to high school. The committee strives to create a community where diversity in all forms, including language, culture, race, immigration status, ability, economic class, and religion, is valued and respected. Our Inclusion and Diversity Committee (I&D) advocates inclusion and diversity for all activities, events, and initiatives for P.S. Please see the calendar below.Įxecutive Board Meeting 8pm 718927?pwd=OGhBV3dOZEFyV0ZzQTd OOXlOUlNSZz09 DOE spokeswoman Katie O’Hanlon said, 'Two iconic songs were used as part of a 12th-grade lesson about economics, and the teacher provided appropriate context prior to streaming them. NYC Schools Account (nycsa) is an app that helps you track your childs.
If you don't know your DOE student account email, visit DOE Student Accounts. Find out how to sign up, by attending a Zoom meeting, Wednesday, February 3rd 3pm. Go to TeachHub Enter your DOE student account email address (it ends in ). This will redirect you to a webpage which will ask you to log in with your DOE credentials and then to launch in the Zoom. In the box, type in nycdoe and click Continue.

But it's easy: just sign in with your DOE account credentials. The basic steps are: Go to the Zoom App (on whatever device you use for Zoom) Sign out of any account you are currently logged in with. The PA Meeting takes place on the first Monday of the month with some exceptions. You must use the DOE-licensed version of Zoom. Inclusion and Diversity Committee Meetings Argh: It’s one thing for the city Department of Education to allow some kids to do remote learning amid the Omicron wave, but another to let any student count as attending if he or she meets with. PA General Meetings and Executive Board Meetings